Friday, January 28, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011


love these ones:

“When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.” Billy – age 4

“Love is what makes you smile when you’re tired.” Terri – age 4

“Love is what’s in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.” Bobby – age 7

Friday, January 21, 2011

The four immeasurables

May all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness.

May all beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering.

May all beings rejoice in the well-being of others.

May all beings live in peace, free from greed and hatred.
Metta Sutta

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

margaret atwood

...I would like to be the air
that inhabits you for a moment
only. I would like to be that unnoticed
& that necessary.


why would you do this?

I mean candy corn has its place, but it's sure not on your hands.
How do you even use your hands like this?!?

bread disaster

I tried to make a loaf of bread,
but I think something went wrong...

horribly wrong.
Although, I must admit it is quite delicious.

Friday, January 14, 2011

I hate that people don't say what they mean.
I hate that people can't say what they feel.

It drives me mad to try and figure you out.

george wildman ball

nostalgia is a seductive liar

Thursday, January 13, 2011


"I don't understand French, but if I could, I would write beautiful songs about horrible things... because it is said to be the language of love and romance... and if love didn't exist, there wouldn't be any horrible things. You must care to cry, love something in order to hate something... You must have a heart in order for it to be broken. Many people walk in a dream. They feel entitled to happiness and feel anger when it is not waiting for them. I know that the world owes me nothing, yet has given me a great deal. It is our own perception we get to bend and mold to our liking- once that is accomplished, the reality we once knew begins to change."

"Uzbekistan" by The Sounds of Animals Fighting

Monday, January 10, 2011


"...Aristophanes tells a tale in Plato's Symposium of how there were originally three sexes: man, woman, and a union of the two. These primeval creatures were round and had twin sets of arms and legs, and could essentially cart-wheel around. They grew strong and attacked the gods, attempting to scale heaven itself.
Fearing that the humans had grown too strong, Zeus decided to split them down the middle, dividing and diffusing humans into the form we have today. Love, Aristophanes continues, is the reuniting of the original couple:

And when one of them meets with his other half, the actual half of himself, whether he be a lover of youth or a lover of another sort, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy, and one will not be out of the other's sight, as I may say, even for a moment: these are the people who pass their whole lives together, and yet they could not explain what they desire of one another."
Michael Bruce, Jan 2011, Psychology Today

Sunday, January 9, 2011


I'm not usually one to make "new years resolutions"
but I made such a mess of last year
I decided it might be prudent this year.

So this year I'm going to :
  • make my people as happy as I can
  • actually try to do really well in school and put aside my apparently crippling fear of failing
  • try to get some perspective when I start feeling stressed out
  • read more novels and sciency things
  • find my spiritual center, but I don't really know what that means
  • learn to cook fancily
  • do a better job growing my garden, my carrots looked like tiny stunted feet
  • find a job that makes me happy, or at least rich
  • get healthy, like inside outside, food is feul kind of healthy
Hold me to it.

True Grit

" I don't deal in hypotheticals, the world is vexing enough as it is."

Go see it.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Laundry List

Laundry List:
  • Tuesday - drywall hanging
  • Wednesday - upper cabinets
  • Thursday - lower cabinets
  • Friday - counter tops
  • Monday - APPLIANCES! and kitchen backsplash
  • Tuesday - dishwasher, disposal, and fridge water lines, grout backsplash
  • Wednesday - Cabinet doors, under counter lighting, carpenter activites
  • Thursday - Tile second bedroom
  • Friday - Grout second bedroom
!!!! DONE !!!!

•utility/laundry room - to be tiled
•second bedroom - to be tiled
•Vast amounts of new furniture - to be bought

Monday, January 3, 2011

Remodel #3

The kitchen is now dissolving.

The oddly placed door had to be moved first.

The "before" shot.

and then it was gone

Today the electrician came and really destroyed it.

Laundry List:
  • Tuesday - drywall hanging
  • Wednesday - upper cabinets
  • Thursday - lower cabinets
  • Friday - counter tops
  • Monday - APPLIANCES!
  • utility/laundry room - to be tiled
  • second bedroom - to be tiled
  • Vast amounts of new furniture - to be bought


remodel #2

When the living room was almost done,
the bathroom melted into chaos.

The pipes in here had to go too.

 They found roots growing underneath the tiles!

I skipped the boring drywall stage
in favor of the beginnings of our fully tiled walls.

These pictures may be slightly out of order, but this is the start of our shower floor.

It's almost there!

Then the glass blocks went in and the window was done.

 Almost done, just the glass shower door and coverplates to go!

Finished product to come!

remodelling adventures

Two months ago our plumbing decided it needed to be replaced.

The pipes, of course, were buried under the terrazzo.
It turns out that pipes are buried deep,

reallllllly deep (That's my living room covered in dirt btw).

When they finally got those tricky tricky pipes out, they were all holey and corroded.

Eventually the tile guy came and it started to look better.

It's slowly getting put back together....

Stay tuned for the finished product.
"Be always at war with your vices,
at peace with your neighbors,
and let each New Year
find you a better man."

- Benjamin Franklin